Celebrating 100 years of the Whitworth Society Sir Joseph Whitworth

All news items

This section has all the available news items displayed chronologically - in total there are 20 news items, displayed over 3 pages.

Summer Meeting 2008

Summer Meeting 2008 - Group Photo at M-Sport The Summer Meeting was held on the 10th and 11th of July and was hosted by the President Steve Davison in West Cumbria. There was a interesting variety of visits to Corus, Wordsworth House, Jennings Brewery and M-Sport. An excellent dinner was taken in the Haunted Vault of the Rum Story at Whitehaven. Registered users can log in to read more details about this event. The summer meeting was very enjoyable and we are grateful to the outgoing President for organising an extremely successful few days.

Find fellow Scholars

Find ScholarsFind fellow scholars who have updated their details online. Simply login, and click 'Find a Scholar' in the 'user menu' on the right hand side (you can only login if you are a Whitworth Scholar or Award Holder). You will find information on:

- Year of Award
- Careers to date
- Current place of work
- Email contact details

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